Valentine's Day Sexercises with Anne and Árni S1, Ep.11

Valentine's Day special (WTF?!)   Although this is the first time we decided to 'celebrate' Valentine's Day, we get really into it by talking about what surprises us about our relationship now as compared to what we expected at the beginning.

The conversation if prompted by three bags of Lay's potato chips that we collected together in Amsterdam, where Árni grew up.     All three bags were part of a contest called "Guess the Flavor" (Raad de Smaak in Dutch).   We had grand ideas of winning a bunch of money guessing the flavors, but alas--we never got around to entering the contest.

One thing we DO get around to is delving into exercise guru, Bonnie Prudden's 2011 book,
Exer-Sex: The fantastic new fitness plan that improves your lovemaking. Excercises for sex, for love, for life.   And also eventually revealing what the mystery flavors were . .

Anne Weshinskey