Wayside Wondercabinet
The Love Story
Project Management
Residency Program
Memory Chips Podcast
Wayside Wondercabinet
The Love Story
Project Management
Residency Program
Memory Chips Podcast
Artistic Curiosities*Unexpected Wonders
resident feedback
First Name
Last Name
Residency Period
Residency Location
What was your original intention going into the residency?
Do you feel you were supported in accomplishing your goals for the residency?
Not Sure
If you answered "No" or "Not Sure", what could we have done better to support your efforts?
Do you feel that our description of the residency accommodation was accurate? If not, why? How did your expecations differ from the reality of the situation?
Please let us know how we can improve the living/working spaces
If your residency included an exhibition or presentation, please tell us how satisfied you were with the experience, what we did well, and how we can improve
If the intent of your residency required networking or administrative help, tell us how satisfied you were with what was offered
Were you satisfied with the level of engagement (with hosts, community, other artists, etc.) you experienced during your stay? If not, what would have improved your experience?
How likely are you to recommend Wild and Wonderful Rural Residencies to others?
Very Likely
Somewhat Likely
Not Likely
Not Sure
Please write a short summary of your stay and how satisfied (or unsatisfied) you were and what we could improve
Thank you!