SEEKING SEASONAL RESIDENT for April-october 2025


SEEKING SEASONAL RESIDENT for April-october 2025 ------

QHHQ self-guided Residency

At its most basic, a residency is a place for someone to live and work. What to work ON is determined by the resident. A self-guided residency does not require any involvement with the community, any sort of exhibition or output, or even frequent interaction with your hosts. It is self-catered, and no administrative help is provided other than guiding potential residents towards possible funding sources (if needed) and connecting the resident to local resources.

fees and requirements

at this time we are booking a single (or couple) resident for the entire period APril-October 2025 for $500/month

This is our usual arrangement:

$500/week* 2 Weeks=$800 3 Weeks $1,100 4 Weeks $1,500

*Minimum stay of one week required


*Convertible bed/sofa, removable worktables, chairs, and bulletin boards for pinning up work.  

*Air-Conditioning, and heat.


*Located outside on the large porch is a shower and composting toilet.  Porch can also be used as a workspace.

*Kitchenette: counter space, hotplate, refrigerator, and toaster oven.

*Accessible only on foot or by personal mobility assistive device (located in the back of a private yard)

*There is no public transport, and the nearest stores and services require a car, so you would be responsible for providing your own. 

*Private parking available next to main house

*If you are in need of any particular special equipment or set-up, we ask you to note that on you application,

 *August is particularly hot and buggy outside, please to not apply for late summer/fall if bugs (gnats and mosquitos) and heat (100°) are issues for you!


what past residents are saying:

Aaron oldenburg, april 2024

This residency was exactly what I needed to minimize distractions, engage deeply with my work, and re-develop good habits to carry forward as I continue this project. It was great to connect with you all, talk about art and learn about the local community, and receive some of the first feedback on this project as well. I also realized how important it was to work in a space that isn't piled high with visual clutter as my own studio/office back home has become. It's amazing what can happen in a week.”