POSTPONED!!!! Aaron Oldenburg: Returning as . . .
An evening of virtual reality, video, and real-life gaming
An evening of virtual reality, video, and real-life gaming
Our Holiday edition of Arts and Crap Bingo is super-festive—with a chance of winning high-end artist multiples to give as last minute holiday gifts
This month’s installment of Arts and Crap BINGO is a really a game of chance. $5/card will give you a chance to win either some art or some crap! Play and see!
Edgar Allan Poe classics read by professional authors/readers Emily and Adam Chiles. Shadow Puppet shenanigans by Joan Gardiner and Anne Weshinskey, sound effects by Oskar Knicely and Noah Chiles.
Buy in for the chance to win a variety of artwork by local and international artists!
Refreshments, maybe some music . . .
School Portraits and Garage Bands!
Short Videos by Local and International Filmmakers
Get creeped out by local band, REALITY SANDWICH (and also some disgusting exhibitions and trunk or treat!)
Yeah—so we got sick of looking like a public utility building—so with donations and support by the local community, we will beging painting this mural designed by Arni and myself, with the heavy lifting done by the amazing Ken Walker!
The Art Valet Express will feature 3D postcards by artist Julie Upmeyer. Limited editions sold from an old steamer trunk on the mean streets of Harpers Ferry, WV (up and down Washington St.)
At the start of the pandemic 2020, V4L launched a community art project designed to maximize the involvement of house-bound, bored and scared people in our region as a place to channel their tense energy. Extra Time Drive In was the result.
A year passed and everyone was still bored, still tense, and possibly without their sanity, fitness, or families intact. So, like last year’s project, we tried to give our community something to reflect on, a forum in which they could act artistically and creatively, and present the creations to the public. How satisfying!!
COVID FAMILY VALUES is the continued amassing of Family portraits taken during the COVID-19 pandemic. We wanted to present the ways in which people not only think about family, but how they depict their own family, and how they sum up their families’ character during this closed-in era.
Submissions are being accepted on an on-going basis and will be added to the online slide show as they roll in. Pllease contact anne@v4larts.com with your submission. The photo should be high resolution and include the Title/Family Name and where you are located.
At the start of the pandemic 2020, V4L launched a community art project designed to maximize the involvement of house-bound, bored and scared people in our region as a place to channel their tense energy. Extra Time Drive In was the result.
A year passed and everyone was still bored, still tense, and possibly without their sanity, fitness, or families intact. So, like last year’s project, we tried to give our community something to reflect on, a forum in which they could act artistically and creatively, and present the creations to the public. How satisfying!!
COVID FAMILY VALUES is the continued amassing of Family portraits taken during the COVID-19 pandemic. We wanted to present the ways in which people not only think about family, but how they depict their own family, and how they sum up their families’ character during this closed-in era.
Submissions are being accepted on an on-going basis and will be added to the online slide show as they roll in. Pllease contact anne@v4larts.com with your submission. The photo should be high resolution and include the Title/Family Name and where you are located.
COVID FAMILY VALUES: Family Portrait Slide Show
Call for that family portrait you wouldn’t put on a holiday card! Portraits of what you consider to be your family taken during the pandemic. Anything between reality and fiction is appropriate. Get creative.
Submit portrait images in .jpg file format 1024x768 pixels with 72PPI resolution (high res) to:
anne@v4larts.com by March 8, 2021
Everyone welcome to submit something (or many things) that typifies the state of your family right now during the pandemic. Global call for family portraits!
Exhibition Reception will be a Drive-In Slide Show (Meaning viewers watch the installation from their cars) on March 12 and 13th 7-9pm.
This year’s incarnation of our annual Halloween exhibition! What will scare you when you drive your car into Wayside Wondercabinet? Artist-designed installation contrived to scare you and your riders.
This exhibition is not designed with children in mind, but children are welcome.
TRIGGER WARNING:: There will be flashing lights, loud noises., and strobe effects and you cannot leave your car..
Open Oct. 30, 31 and Nov. 1,6,7,8 5-7pm.
One car at a time can be accommodated. You will not be able to roll the windows down.
Local artist, Jim Koenig shares his amassed collection of items emblazoned with the image of DaVinci’s Last Supper. Put in context, and with a multitude of factoids and tidbits, you will never look at The Last Supper in the same way again.
Part natural history, part art history, part thrift shop—this exhibition is a curiosity fit for a roadside attraction!
The garage doors are open and small groups in masks and social distancing welcome. The lobby gift shop is also open!
With the coming of better weather, people’s interests have turned to outside endeavors, and we seem to be less interested in figuring out creative ways to fill the hours. Our submissions to the exhibition have waned, and there are more options for socializing (with distance) in the outdoors. We have therefore decided it is time to wrap things up!
On Saturday, June 6th from 4-7pm will be the closing celebration to this exhibition that has been so fun and rewarding. We have been really inspired by the level of community involvement and enthusiasm for this impromptu project. It restores our hope in humanity (or some segments of humanity!)
Time is up! Participate in the de-construction of the exhibition!
This closing party is when we ask that all participants COME AND PICK UP YOUR WORK! Between the hours of 4-7, we ask that those who have put work in the show come and take it back until there is no trace of it except in our hearts (and on the memorial website I am making).
Any work remaining in the space at 7pm will be ceremonially sacrificed in a bonfire behind the fire hall. We are not kidding! As a bit of performance art, we will be burning donated or unclaimed work. This performance is open to everyone to attend and is intended to be cathartic.
Please make arrangements to pick up your work if you cannot make the closing on June 6th between 4-7. Those of you whose work has sold, we will arrange for the buyers to pick up your work by appointment.
Safety Protocol
Fortunately, with the garage doors of our space open it is pretty much like being outside. Instead of driving in, we plan to welcome people in on foot (or with ambulatory equipment) in tiny group “tours” with ample space for social distancing. Masks are required for entrance.
The lawn in front of the community center, as well as the picnic pavilion around the back can be used for small gatherings of less than 10 people who maintain the 6ft social distancing etiquette. If any of this protocol is violated we will shut it all down. The Loudoun County Health department, as well as the Sheriff’s department do sweeps of our parking lot several times a day, so those who do not observe these protocols could be fined.
*These plans are subject to change and/or cancellation depending upon the contours of the pandemic
Our inaugural jamboree—featuring our Art Valet Artists. Pairing the artist’s more singular works together with their multiples to contextualize them, we intend to entertain you into understanding how “artist multiples” work!
Music, performances, and more!!!
Our space is uniquely equipped to host COVID-safe drive-in attractions! The content of this on-going, additive (agglutinative) show is any work that people have made in isolation since the beginning of this pandemic.
Many people find themselves with extra time on their hands and want to use it for self-betterment: Learning to paint, draw, or sculpt, learn an instrument or a language. Some people want to experiment with new media or techniques, or just show off how many weeds they have plucked from their gardens!
Whatever you made, we can add to the exhibition on a weekly basis until the sequestration is over and we can have a big closing party—TBA!
Open Hours every Saturday 4-7. Stay in your car and wear a mask!
Our space is uniquely equipped to host COVID-safe drive-in attractions! The content of this on-going, additive (agglutinative) show is any work that people have made in isolation since the beginning of this pandemic.
Many people find themselves with extra time on their hands and want to use it for self-betterment: Learning to paint, draw, or sculpt, learn an instrument or a language. Some people want to experiment with new media or techniques, or just show off how many weeds they have plucked from their gardens!
Whatever you made, we can add to the exhibition on a weekly basis until the sequestration is over and we can have a big closing party—TBA!
Open Hours every Saturday 4-7. Stay in your car and wear a mask!
Shepherd University Art Department’s graduating senior, Kaleb Aurand presents new work for his Capstone Graduation Exhibition.
As a partnership between Wayside Wondercabinet and Shepherd University’s Art Department, this exhibition is a collaboration in curation and professional mentorship for graduating seniors in a variety of media.
Get spooky in our haunted fire hall! Because we have now taken over, we are making the fire truck byour own and everybody is welcome! Scary sculptures by local artists Silas and Atticus Fair, backdrops and posters by Anne Weshinskey, and other slimy and creepy oddities made by hand for your haunted displeasure!
Halloween Day open hours include a Trunk or Treat!
Saturday Oct. 26 6-8
Sunday Oct. 27 1-3
Thursday Oct. 31 5-7
Entry is by donation!