With the coming of better weather, people’s interests have turned to outside endeavors, and we seem to be less interested in figuring out creative ways to fill the hours. Our submissions to the exhibition have waned, and there are more options for socializing (with distance) in the outdoors. We have therefore decided it is time to wrap things up!
On Saturday, June 6th from 4-7pm will be the closing celebration to this exhibition that has been so fun and rewarding. We have been really inspired by the level of community involvement and enthusiasm for this impromptu project. It restores our hope in humanity (or some segments of humanity!)
Time is up! Participate in the de-construction of the exhibition!
This closing party is when we ask that all participants COME AND PICK UP YOUR WORK! Between the hours of 4-7, we ask that those who have put work in the show come and take it back until there is no trace of it except in our hearts (and on the memorial website I am making).
Any work remaining in the space at 7pm will be ceremonially sacrificed in a bonfire behind the fire hall. We are not kidding! As a bit of performance art, we will be burning donated or unclaimed work. This performance is open to everyone to attend and is intended to be cathartic.
Please make arrangements to pick up your work if you cannot make the closing on June 6th between 4-7. Those of you whose work has sold, we will arrange for the buyers to pick up your work by appointment.
Safety Protocol
Fortunately, with the garage doors of our space open it is pretty much like being outside. Instead of driving in, we plan to welcome people in on foot (or with ambulatory equipment) in tiny group “tours” with ample space for social distancing. Masks are required for entrance.
The lawn in front of the community center, as well as the picnic pavilion around the back can be used for small gatherings of less than 10 people who maintain the 6ft social distancing etiquette. If any of this protocol is violated we will shut it all down. The Loudoun County Health department, as well as the Sheriff’s department do sweeps of our parking lot several times a day, so those who do not observe these protocols could be fined.
*These plans are subject to change and/or cancellation depending upon the contours of the pandemic
Back to All Events
Earlier Event: May 9
MULTIPLICATION--POSTPONED until further notice
Later Event: June 5
The Last Supper with Jim Koenig